Other Exam Prices

Immigration Medical Exam Price In Ottawa & Orleans

Fees for other exams vary based on the requirements. Please contact us for more information about specific exams.

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Other Exam Fees

We offer additional exams as per the chart below. Fees for other exams vary based on unique requirements. Our team is here to help answer any questions you may have.



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Australian Medical Exam Contact Bank St. Clinic ›
Other Countries Medical Exam Contact Bank St. Clinic ›
Ministry of Transport Medical Exam Contact Bank St. Clinic ›

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We do not offer debit or credit card payment options.

Other Exam Pricing (Click to View)

Canadian Immigration Medical 

Canadian Immigration Streamlined Medical

Ukrainians Seeking Safe Haven in Canada 


Why Trust Us

  • Dr. Marleau! Super knowledgeable and such a calm presence. He takes great care of his patients and you know you’re in the best hands! Highly recommend!
    - Patient Innes Rd. Clinic

Call Bank St.Call Innes Rd.