How to Find Immigrant Organizations in Canada

Once you've arrived in Canada and started to settle in, you may begin to look for ways to become integrated into your new community. This can include wanting to find employment, understand the language better, or by meeting new people. Here, our Ottawa and Orleans immigration physicians talk about how Canadian immigration programs can help and the services they typically offer.

Finding Canadian Immigration Programs

We know that navigating the immigration process and adjusting to life in a new country isn't easy, but there are supports in place to help make it manageable. Canada is known for cultural acceptance and is home to many different ethnicities.

Over the years Canadian immigration programs have been developed to help newcomers get settled into their new lives and to help manage any roadblock they find along the way.

What are the benefits of immigration programs?

Canadian immigration programs are all non-profit organizations that are designed to help newcomers adjust to their new life in Canada. They can help with:

  • Orientation: Providing helpful information about Canadian laws, rights, and what to expect in everyday life.
  • Community Building: Helping newcomers connect with others in the community to build a support system and social circle.
  • Advocacy: Represent immigrants with issues related to government and policies.

What services do most Canadian immigration programs offer?

Language Classes

English and French are the two main languages spoken in Canada. In order to comfortably live and work here, it is ideal to know how to speak one of these. Many Canadian immigration programs provide:

  • Language Training: Courses tailored to different proficiency levels.
  • Cultural Integration: Sessions designed to familiarize newcomers with Canadian culture, societal norms, and local customs.

Job Search Assistance

Searching for employment after arrival to Canada is vital to the successful integration of any immigrant. Many Canadian immigration programs can help by offering:

  • Resume Building: An opportunity for immigrants to create resumes that appeal to the Canadian job market and employers.
  • Job Fairs: Vital networking that allows immigrants to meet and speak with potential employers.
  • Skill Development: Helping newcomers to enhance their skills to meet job market demands.

Community Integration

Community engagement and socializing is an important aspect of integrating to a new area. Unfortunately, it can often be overlooked, leaving newcomers to feel isolated.

Here are some crucial community integration aspects that Canadian immigration programs often offer:

  • Networking Events for Newcomers: Organized social events to help immigrants meet new people.
  • Immigrant Support Groups: Spaces where immigrants can speak freely, sharing the good and the difficult parts of Canadian immigration.
  • Local Tour Groups: Helping newcomers discover their local area and everything it has to offer.

How to Find a Canadian Government Immigration Program

There are several ways to discover immigrant organizations that can help you and your family once you make the journey to Canada. Here are a few of the most effective:

Official Government Resources

  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC): The official government website provides lists of authorized organizations and resources available for newcomers.
  • Provincial and Municipal Websites: Your regional or local government website should have information related to the nearest immigration program to your home.

Online Search

  • Web Portals: Some websites offer various listings for immigrant organizations and resources available in each area.
  • Forums and Social Media: Online groups are filled with helpful information and resources for local immigration programs.

Referrals From Other Organizations

  • Community Centers: Your local community centre may have helpful information about your nearest Canadian immigration program.
  • Embassies and Consulates: The representatives of these facilities may have contact information for recommended programs and organizations for immigrants.

Notable Canadian Immigration Programs

Here are some of the most widely used Canadian government immigration and temporary foreign worker programs:

Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia (ISSofBC)

ISSofBC is one of the oldest Canadian immigration programs and is located in British Columbia (BC). This organization offers services like language classes, digital skills, and employment assistance.

COSTI Immigrant Services

COSTI is a Canadian immigration program operating in Toronto, Ontario. Their organization provides a full range of direct services, such as employment, settlement, and social services, to Canadian newcomers of all age groups and ethnicities.

Centre for Immigrant and Community Services (CICS)

CICS is located in Ontario and provides a variety of supportive programs and services aimed at helping immigrants assimilate easily into society in Canada.

Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA)

CIWA is focused on helping and empowering immigrant women, girls, and by extension their entire families. This Canadian immigration program offers many different services to help newcomers navigate and settle into their lives.

Creating Your Support System for a New Life in Canada

Canadian immigration programs are vital for connecting new immigrants to Canada with valuable resources, networks, and information to simplify the transition period.

Our panel physicians offer a range of services to help with your immigration process. If you have not already done so, please be sure to schedule your immigration medical exam at one of our three convenient locations.

Have you started the immigration process to become a resident of Canada? Our panel physicians at Immigration Physician Ottawa offer immigration medical exams at our three convenient locations. Contact us today for more information.


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  • Dr. Max Della Zazzera and his staff are superb and extremely accommodating. They are very knowledgeable about medical exam procedures for varying countries, and they will do their utmost to ensure that you have everything required for your application.
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